Planning Application
Over the coming years we are planning for the festival to grow back out of Downtown once again. To make this possible we are seeking to submit a temporary use planning application to continue hosting our annual theatre and music festival at the Matterley Estate.
Here you will find the latest updates on all things planning. Your input is invaluable, and we appreciate your support as we move through this important process.
Public Consultation
Our digital public consultation is now live. Here you have access to detailed information about our proposed plans - this includes information on ecology, sound and vibration, lighting, transport and access, site layouts, landscape and visuals, and more.
Following our public consultation we will review all feedback received and aim to submit a full planning application to the South Downs National Park Authority later this summer
We want to hear your thoughts - please take some time to read our public consultation material, your feedback can inform our plans so please tell us what you think.
what are we applying for?
This summer we aim to submit a temporary use planning application in order to continue to host our beloved Boomtown once a calendar year at the Matterley Estate. We are seeking to increase the capacity of our festival from 2025 over a new three-year permission to 75,999 attendees (plus 1,000 on Sunday)
This application, if approved, would bring our planning permission capacity, granted by South Downs National Park Authority, in line with our current licensed capacity already granted by Winchester City Council.
Latest Update
We’ve submitted a request for an EIA Scoping Opinion to the South Downs National Park Authority for Boomtown's Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
What does this mean?
The Scoping Report outlines our vision for Boomtown, including our ambitions to increase capacity from 2025 over three years to 75,999 attendees, plus our additional 1000 Sunday community. It also dives into the potential environmental impacts associated with our event, because we're committed to protecting and respecting our planet. The report isn't set in stone; it's a living, breathing blueprint that will evolve through consultation with you, our local community and the wider public.
The EIA Scoping Report is an important step in ensuring a responsible and transparent development process. It involves a detailed assessment of potential environmental impacts across various areas, such as ecology, transport, sound, air quality and lighting.
The South Downs National Park Authority will review the EIA Scoping Report over a five week period and provide guidance on the development of the full EIA.
April 2024
- 24th April: Local residents meeting: The Flowerpots Inn, Cherinton
June 2024
- 24th April: Local residents meeting: The Flowerpots Inn, Cherinton
July 2024
- Request for an EIA Scoping Opinion Submitted to the South Downs National Park Authority
- 24th June - Invite only: Digital Public Consultation - Boomtown Website
- 24th April: Local residents meeting: The Flowerpots Inn, Cherinton
- 25th June: (10:00 -13:00 & 14:00 - 19:00) Public Consultation Drop-In Sessions
Flowerpots Inn (Brandy Mount, Cheriton, New Alresford, Alresford SO24 0QQ) - 26th June: (10:00 - 16:00) Public Consultation Drop-In Sessions
Flowerpots Inn (Brandy Mount, Cheriton, New Alresford, Alresford SO24 0QQ) - 24th June - 9th July: Digital Public Consultation - Boomtown Website
- 18th July: Local Residents Meeting - The Flowerpots Inn, Cheriton
Aug 2024
- 7th - 12th August: Boomtown Chapter Three: Revolution of Imagination
Sept 2024
- 25th Sept: Local Residents Meeting - The Flowerpots Inn, Cheriton
Currently, we have planning permission to host 64,999 people with an extra 1000 Sunday tickets. This remains out of sync with our licensed capacity, set at 77,000, granted by Winchester City Council.
Back in January 2021, we made moves to increase our capacity to 75,999 attendees, with an additional 1,000 spots reserved just for our Sunday community. However, those hopes hit a snag. In December 2022, we withdrew this application following new information received in the Officer's Report to the South Downs National Park Authority Planning Committee. But, fear not we're back with a new application that has considered all of the feedback we were given within that report.
Leave your feedback
We want to know your thoughts on our planning ideas.